Lord, Have Mercy
Meredith Shuman | Trauma-informed care trainer, Mom Meredith Shuman | Trauma-informed care trainer, Mom

Lord, Have Mercy

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Four Flipsides of Trauma-Informed Care: What It Isn’t
Meredith Shuman | Trauma-informed care trainer, Mom Meredith Shuman | Trauma-informed care trainer, Mom

Four Flipsides of Trauma-Informed Care: What It Isn’t

The term “trauma-informed care” has been a buzz-word for the last 5 - 10 years. (We’ll use “care” and “content” interchangeably depending on context.) With such diverse definitions of the word “trauma,”, it’s hard to know what’s real and applicable to our lives. If you search the word, “trauma” in Apple podcasts, there’s more results than you’ll ever want to listen to. So, let’s dive in, and look at the flipsides of what “trauma-informed care” actually is not…and lean into what it is.

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Making Space for Each Other: An Evening of Conversation at the Foster/Adopt Gathering (Interview)
Meredith Shuman | Trauma-informed care trainer, Mom Meredith Shuman | Trauma-informed care trainer, Mom

Making Space for Each Other: An Evening of Conversation at the Foster/Adopt Gathering (Interview)

Dinner. Community. Connection. These were the elements of a Foster/Adopt Gathering with New Life Church North and James Trail. On November 2nd, 2021, the World Prayer Center was filled with individuals and families that have something very important in common. Their lives had all been touched somehow by fostering or adopting.

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Redemption is Possible: 5 Lessons We Learn from Loki
Meredith Shuman | Trauma-informed care trainer, Mom Meredith Shuman | Trauma-informed care trainer, Mom

Redemption is Possible: 5 Lessons We Learn from Loki

In case you missed it, Loki was a big hit in summer 2021 from Disney Plus. If you follow the Marvel universe, you know that Loki is the adopted younger brother of the mythical god, Thor. While not big and strong like his brother, Loki’s power is his clever and cunning plans. In this series, he is faced with some difficult choices. We begin to see behind the mask of this villain and see there is more complexity to Loki’s character than first imagined

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