Making Space for Each Other: An Evening of Conversation at the Foster/Adopt Gathering (Interview)

Updated: July 2023

Dinner. Community. Connection. These were the elements of a Foster/Adopt Gathering with New Life Church North and James Trail. On November 2nd, 2021, the World Prayer Center was filled with individuals and families that have something very important in common. Their lives had all been touched somehow by fostering or adopting.

Let’s dive in with Meredith Shuman, founder and executive director of James Trail…

Q: Meredith, what is the concept behind this event?

Being an adoptive or foster parent can feel very isolating, so we wanted to create space for people to connect with each other, and to connect spiritually with what the Father wants to say to us, as well.

Q: Who was invited to this event?

We invited anyone who is touched by fostering and adopting. This includes families who are currently fostering, and also those who have relinquished their fostering license. Adoptive families include those who are in the waiting process, who currently have adopted children in their home, and even those who have experienced a disrupted adoption. For certain, adoptees were invited, as well as siblings of adoptees. Anyone who works as a staff or volunteer in these areas was included, as we tried to get the word out to local agencies and counseling centers.

Q: It was a different set up than they usually have for these events at New Life…can you tell us more about that?

Sure! We intentionally wanted to create space not only for families to connect with each other, but also to enter into a time of worship and connection with the Lord. So, we had dinner at round tables in the foyer, and then opened the doors to the auditorium as an invitation to join in what God wanted to do that night in our hearts.

Q: So, how did that part go?

It was so great! The families were having such a great time meeting each other and finding common hopes and struggles, that it was hard to pull them away! Yet, when we entered the auditorium, bonds were already forming, and we were ready for what the Lord wanted to do. Natalie Runion and other members of our NL worship team did an amazing job of leading us into the throne room of God! It created great space for us to hear relatable stories from our panel.

Q: Tell us more about the panel…

We invited a panel of guests, who represented different facets of the foster/adopt community. The panel included a sibling of an adoptee, an adoptee, and a couple who have fostered and adopted. They each shared their stories, which shows the many complexities of this community. They were also asked to share one thing that is hard about their journey, and finally, what gives them hope. Even though I know everyone on the panel, I was so inspired by their thoughts and by their openness!

Source: James Trail

Q: What was your favorite part of the event?

Gosh, there are too many to name! Seeing the families connect was a huge blessing. The time of worship with this community of my people was so amazing. Getting to share more about James Trail, and the Father’s heart for our families was a thrill to my soul. Definitely working with New Life North staff is always a joy - they are some of my favorite people on the planet!

Q: Did anything about the event surprise you??

Well, as I mentioned earlier, we had been very intentional about inviting and including anyone who has been touched in any way by fostering or adopting. Yet, at the end of the event, a woman came up to me and introduced herself, saying, “Hi Meredith, I wanted to let you know how wonderful tonight has been for me…I am a birth mom, so…I guess I am coming at this from the other side…” I was blown away by the fact that even though I had not thought through including birth-families, the Lord made sure that she knew she was welcomed and invited! So, I replied to her, “Oh my goodness, there is no “other side,” we are all in this together!!” It was even more proof of how much God wants us to enter into life with people that can connect to our stories. I continue to hear about relationships and connections being built as a result of the event…and that is something only God can do!

Meredith Shuman | Trauma-informed care trainer, Mom

Meredith Shuman is the founder of James Trail, an organization supporting the unique needs of adoptive and foster families. Meredith has over 28 years of experience serving as a therapist, trauma-informed care trainer, and mom. She holds a MSW from the University of Texas. She and her husband Dan, a global health physician have been married 28 years, and they have 5 children, 4 of whom are adopted.  Meredith loves a passport with lots of stamps, a water bottle with lots of stickers, a table with lots of people, and a mountain with lots of trail.


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