God, Cats, and Unknown Territory

My son and his wife got a cat recently. They approached me gently with this nugget of information. Let’s be clear: I’m not a “cat person.” Chalk it up to bad experiences or a general aversion to the aloof personality…I’m not sure where my aversion for felines begins and ends.  All I know is that I’m not a fan.  

Now to all of you cat owners and cat lovers out there: I hear your protest. But the very fact that you have to explain to me that these creatures are actually good - this does not help your case. No one has to talk me into liking dogs, sunsets, or ice cream. And so it is, that I have sat in self-righteous disdain for my entire life…feeling no remorse for my harsh judgment of these creatures.

And then it happened. Griffin and Emily (son and daughter-in-law) stayed at our house during a cross-country move. With their cat. (Don’t worry -they asked for permission to bring her. It was a whole process. You understand.) The cat had no concerns about meeting me. No concerns about anything, really. As long as she was in the general vicinity of her people, she was good. I, on the other hand, had some mental preparation to do before her arrival. Would I be scratched? Would she crawl all over me? And how can I love my kids well by welcoming this strange “threat” into my home?

As Griffin and Emily brought Aloy in and handed her to me, I felt a crevasse had been crossed. A cat was in my home. In my arms. And stepping dangerously close to being in my heart. As their visit continued over a few days, I found myself hoping for attention from Aloy. I wanted her to find her way to my shoulders and my lap. I truly enjoyed entering the room where she was, hoping for some attention from her. Quite the transformation, I’d say.

Deep thoughts about God and cats and new frontiers start to float around in my head. When does approaching God feel like a new frontier? Why is it so hard to step into God’s presence during certain seasons? How many times have I been the one who is aloof, like a cat, in my relationship with Him? I know from scripture that He is eager for time with me…his thoughts towards me outnumber the sands in the sea. Yet, how many times has He wanted to spend time with me…wanted me to get to know Him, and I scarcely looked His direction? What is His utter delight when I saunter over and say, “Umm, hi…” 

“When does approaching God feel like a new frontier? Why is it so hard to step into God’s presence during certain seasons? How many times have I been the one who is aloof, like a cat, in my relationship with Him?”

No, I am not a dog in this scenario. Faithfully waiting, joyfully greeting, and patiently welcoming God into my life each day…not my reality. I am the hesitant, unsure one. I fear how a relationship might hurt me. I fear the rejection of people and of God. But God is not like me, or people, for that matter. He is always present, ready to give me attention, love, and care even in the midst of my fear. He’s not passing judgment on my weakness. He’s making me strong.

Aloy has really changed my view of the cats of this world. She is sweet, easy-going, and chill. And as God teaches me to cross barriers into unknown territory (not only a cat visiting my house, but also more of God in my life), He is simultaneously teaching me about the chasm He has crossed to come and love me. And that makes me want to do more than just saunter over.


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