Jordan: A Courageous Trail

Me:  “What is something that you find great joy in, when you see it?”

Pastor in Jordan: “A new born-again Christian.”

I guess I expected more caution from a pastor in that part of the world. How is it that I have to confront fear all day long…usually in the form of insecurities? Yet, this pastor who faces real circumstances with real threats walks with such great faith. I have much to learn.

This body of 70-200 believers (numbers on par with a mega-church in the US) meets in an unlabeled building off a busy street. Their numbers fluctuate based on how many refugees are in the area at the time. And when they sing, their worship songs in Arabic invite the Holy Spirit to move.

This church oddly faces the same issues that many of our churches here in the US face: division over politics, division over immigration issues, and division over direction of ministry.  The reality is that we are actually more alike, than we are different. How can I take the realization of our same-ness and one-ness in the body of Christ…and use it as a shield against my own fear and insecurities?

By remembering.

I must call to mind the faces and stories that I now have seen and heard. I must remember that the Lord is my shield (Psalm 28:7-8) and He is also the shield for people and churches all over the world. Let my fear hear this, and remember.

What are the stories of faith that we all need to remember? What are the stories of faith we see in God’s word? What about stories of faith in our present times?

If you know anything about the Middle East, you know that serving Jesus in ministry in Jordan is not easy. Hostility - in many forms - abounds all around. The culture allows and encourages this hostility, yet these brothers and sisters in Christ stand. They stand for their faith, for their families, and for their God. They stand with boldness, but not with arrogance. They stand with God as their shield, and may I be found worthy to serve them in prayer. Please join me.


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