Weapons of War: Posture

I love this man.  I have lived some pretty interesting stories with him, but there’s one story that happened before I came into his life.  This story stands out because it literally has to do with how this man stands.  Dan has excellent posture -he stands up really straight.  Four times in his young life (18 mo, 4 years, 6, and 12 years old), Dan’s collar bone was broken, which requires a lovely device called the 8 Brace.  This brace pulls the shoulders back, to allow the clavicle to heal properly.  This man has spent months being pulled into the right position for clavicle-healing, and it stuck.  To this day, those who know Dan would say that his posture is pretty remarkable. And because I am his wife, I can say that it makes him even more attractive to my ever-lovin’ eyes.

“…When I am on my knees, I am reminded of my smallness, my lack of control, my need for submission, my unworthiness.  Yet amazingly, in those same moments, my God reminds me of His greatness, His sovereignty, His authority, His sacrifice, and even more:  His relentless love and His divine Presence…”  

I never think about my posture.  And yet, my posture can tell a story.  It is true that I can pray in any position:  sitting, standing, kneeling, laying down.  I find, however, that the posture of my heart often follows the posture of my body.  When I am on my knees, I am reminded of my smallness, my lack of control, my need for submission, my unworthiness.  Yet amazingly, in those same moments, my God reminds me of His greatness, His sovereignty, His authority, His sacrifice, and even more:  His relentless love and His divine Presence.  

I need these so badly.  Dan and I both do, and I can count on Dan to be in the right posture to stand for love, to bend for service, and to kneel for prayer.  I love to watch him in action.  All this tells the Story of God’s pursuit of me, and thankfully, there are chapters added Every. Single. Day.

Heavenly Father,

We stand in awe of You.  We bow because when we stand, we see who we are in relation to You… and we can do nothing else, but fall to our knees… out of love, and resolute gratitude.

Meredith Shuman | Trauma-informed care trainer, Mom

Meredith Shuman is the founder of James Trail, an organization supporting the unique needs of adoptive and foster families. Meredith has over 28 years of experience serving as a therapist, trauma-informed care trainer, and mom. She holds a MSW from the University of Texas. She and her husband Dan, a global health physician have been married 28 years, and they have 5 children, 4 of whom are adopted.  Meredith loves a passport with lots of stamps, a water bottle with lots of stickers, a table with lots of people, and a mountain with lots of trail.


Four Things I Wish I’d Known Before Adopting


Lord, Have Mercy