Ep. 7 - Resilience & Humility: Stuart's Journey Through Apartheid, Loss, and Leading a Multicultural Church

In this episode, Meredith talks with Stuart about his journey from the racial divides of apartheid South Africa to pastoring a multicultural congregation in Calgary. Stuart discusses overcoming personal tragedy, the importance of empathy in leadership, and fostering an intercultural church community. They touch on the power of vulnerability, the role of women in spreading the gospel, and the challenge and beauty of diversity within faith communities. This conversation highlights the transformative potential of listening, learning, and uniting across differences to create a space of healing and belonging.


"The Promise of Difference: An Intercultural Response to Racial Diversity" - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pzl8zwWvYwQ&t=473s


Meredith Shuman | Trauma-informed care trainer, Mom

Meredith Shuman is the founder of James Trail, an organization supporting the unique needs of adoptive and foster families. Meredith has over 28 years of experience serving as a therapist, trauma-informed care trainer, and mom. She holds a MSW from the University of Texas. She and her husband Dan, a global health physician have been married 28 years, and they have 5 children, 4 of whom are adopted.  Meredith loves a passport with lots of stamps, a water bottle with lots of stickers, a table with lots of people, and a mountain with lots of trail.


Ep. 8 - Transforming Healthcare Through Vision and Faith: Embracing Compassionate, Trauma-Informed Practices


Ep. 6 - How Art and Creativity Helps Heal Us From Our Trauma with Pastor Jordan Lewis