James Trail | Trauma-informed care & resources for families and organizations

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Stop. Seek. Let.

A year or so ago, I realized that the world was beginning to emerge from hibernation… and so was I.  My life and schedule started to heat up and I suddenly found myself in all-too-familiar patterns again.  Each morning, as soon as my eyes were open, my mind began to race with all the issues… all the stress… all the busy-ness of life.  

But then God got a hold of me… He reminded me that no matter what year it is, no matter what is going on in my life - I am so much better equipped to face what’s in front of me when I start my day with Him.  

So He gave me a simple little mantra to remember each morning:




Stop running.

Seek My face.

Let Me rule the day.

These three little words are now HUGE for my day.  When I heed His words, I carry less into the day: less expectation, less anxiety, less worry.  I remember Who is sovereign over my day.  I am released from the lists, the schedule, the stress that binds me.  

So, let’s throw off those morning-shackles together.  Let’s declare to our day: I am His.  He rules this day.  I will bask in the warmth of His presence today.  All day.

But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.  Matthew 6:33